NAOCO Matsubara has been passionate about English communication and all things event planning / coordinating for nearly two decades.

Having always wanting to travel the world, NAOCO knew that she wanted to pursue a career involving English communication. Whilst travelling around the world throughout her twenties, she eventually arrived in Miami, Florida in the United States in 1999. She fell in love with its unique mix of cultures and languages, and would live there for 7 years. It’s here that NAOCO extensively studied and communicated in English with native speakers on a daily basis, which provided her with the unique skill of communication in a natural, and authentic environment.

Upon returning to her hometown in Yamaguchi, Japan, years later in the early 2010s, she studied Art Management at Yamaguchi Prefectural University, and in 2012, completed her master’s degree at the Graduate School of International Cultural Studies. During this time, along with her English classes, NAOCO worked for various Yamaguchi Prefecture institutions doing English translation and interpretation within the tourism division, whilst also coordinating workshops at tourism facilities.

Currently based in Hofu City, Yamaguchi, NAOCO continues various English communication projects to people of all ages and nationalities. This includes English interpretation, organising and coordinating events, and teaching English. NAOCO epitomizes this global spirit with spreading language, and broadening people’s horizons.

Thank you so much for visiting the official NAOCO Matsubara website! If you’re interested in contacting NAOCO for any consultation, please visit the contact page for more information.